Browsing articles tagged with " focus"

Four Things I Have Learned From Running

Jul 23, 2013   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  Comments Off on Four Things I Have Learned From Running

Running FeetIN SHORT: There are lessons to be learned from running that apply to life in general: Pace yourself; Shorten your stride; Swing your arms; Focus on ‘now’.

“You have a choice: you can throw in the towel,
or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face
and keep running.”



(~1100 words, approx 6-9 mins to read)

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What’s the Magic Number..?

Sep 4, 2012   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  Comments Off on What’s the Magic Number..?

Magic Top HatIN SHORT: There is a ‘magic number’ that governs our productivity and focus, our ability to achieve and our stress levels too. Read on to find out what it is..!

“Busy-ness and productivity
are not the same thing.”



(~1044 words, approx. 5-8 mins to read)

Back in 1990 jazz hip-hop trio De La Soul proposed that “Three is the magic number.” But today, based on research and experience, I can exclusively reveal that they were wrong, but only slightly. Read More »

“The polarity’s been reversed Captain..!”

May 31, 2012   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  Comments Off on “The polarity’s been reversed Captain..!”

Light BulbIN SHORT: Now everything is all wired correctly I know that when I throw the switch, darkness becomes light without any hassle at all. Lovely…

“We live our every one of our beliefs, whether we like them or not.”


(~1290 words, approx 7-10 mins to read)

I realise the title of this month’s ‘slice’ sounds like a line from Star Trek and probably need explaining, so let me tell you a little real-life story… Read More »

Get Active..!

Jan 9, 2012   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  Comments Off on Get Active..!

IN SHORT: Take an active role in living your life – it’s the only way it can be the way you want it to be!Take Control

“Who finds hidden treasure?
Some of those who seek it,
And none of those who don’t.”

“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.”
 [Michael Gerber, US author]

[1064 words, estimated reading time 6-9 mins]

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The ‘Five Set’ Mind

Jun 30, 2011   //   by admin   //   Articles, Food For Thought  //  Comments Off on The ‘Five Set’ Mind

Tennis BallIf you want to succeed you have to be ready for a five-set match.

I’ve been researching what’s best described as the ‘beyond confident’ mindset. I’m not talking arrogance or blindly optimistic here. Rather, I mean the mindset that’s best demonstrated by those who’ve survived the almost unsurvivable – Read More »


Dec 22, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  Comments Off on Eric

IN SHORT: What is it that gets you up and out of bed, active and focused, every day? Duty? Work? Paying the bills? Guilt? Habit? … Or do you have a real PURPOSE to your life that can’t be diminished and instead seems more compelling as you live it out?

“I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.”
[Og Mandino, 20th-century American writer & psychologist]

“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”
[Satchel Paige, 20th-century American baseball player
& the 1st from the ‘Negro League’ to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame]

I want to introduce you to someone who’s been an inspiration to me at various points in my life. That’s not to say I agree with everything he does or says – quite the opposite at times – it’s more the way he goes about doing and saying those things, and basically his attitude to life that inspires me most. Read More »


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