Browsing articles tagged with " truth"

A Night at the Movies

May 17, 2012   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  No Comments

IN SHORT: Our projections alter our reality. So let’s make them movies we enjoy!

“Many of the faults we see in the outside world reflect hidden aspects of ourselves we won’t admit to. And many of the admirable qualities we see in the world reflect what we desire most for ourselves.” [Anon.]

(~1280 words – approx 7-10 mins to read.)

I do like to go to the cinema, especially when I know the movie has been designed to be a rich audio-visual spectacular as well as a great story.
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The One Food Secret You Need to Know!

Jun 29, 2011   //   by admin   //   Articles, Food For Thought  //  No Comments

From time to time I do get requests to help people with weight loss, often when they’ve tried several diets and failed to keep the weight they lost off. More often than not the reasons are all linked to one simple truth that many people have lost their grip on: Read More »

Join the Dots

Oct 12, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  No Comments

IN SHORT: Life is a game of join-the-dots. Although you can’t change the facts of your past, you CAN change what you do with it, how you let it make  you feel, and where you go forwards from it – you get to choose which dots you use!

“From now on, I’ll connect the dots my own way.”

[Bill Waterson, US author of the ‘Calvin & Hobbes’ comic strip]

(792 words, approx 5-8 mins to read)

(This month’s ‘slice’ sort of follows on from last month’s ‘Making Meaning’ article, and here we’re focusing more on what we do with strings of experiences rather than just individual ones.)

Do you remember doing join-the-dots pictures when you were young (or maybe even when you were older too)..?

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Making Meaning

Sep 11, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  No Comments

IN SHORT: We are the authors and editors of our own ‘life dictionary’ and, just as language evolves and the meanings and usage of words changes over time, there’s no reason at all that the meanings and usage of our daily experiences can’t be changed for the better over time too.

“Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is,
but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked.”
[Viktor Frankl, 20th-centrury neurologist, holocaust survivor, author & therapist]

“I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way
we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.”
[Hermann Hesse, 19/20th-century novelist & Nobel prize-winner]

(1288 words, approx 7-10 mins to read)

“They’d left the place in a total mess. Read More »

The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

Jan 4, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon  //  1 Comment

“The truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it.”

“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.”
[Winston Churchill, UK war-time Prime Minister, politician, artist & writer]

(1228 words – approx 6-9 mins to read)

Well, that was 2009.

Since we ended last year with the theme of honesty, I thought I’d start 2010 on a similar note. I’ve got a couple of questions I’d like you to answer truthfully – I won’t make you swear to tell it, I’ll just assume that because you want to get the most out of this, you will be totally honest, at least with yourself: Read More »

To Be Perfectly Honest

Dec 4, 2009   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon  //  No Comments

“The greatest way to live with honour in this world is to be what we pretend to be.”
[Socrates, 4th-century BC Greek philosopher]

“Truth fears no questions.”

(912 words – approx. 5-8 mins to read)

Take a moment now to think of a few quotes or sayings you can remember about honesty.

Chances are at least one of them was “Honesty is the best policy” or something similar. But is it always what’s best?

We are all actually dishonest – deceptive – about three times in every ten minutes of normal daily conversation, according to psychologist and deception expert Paul Eckman. If you’re surprised by that, or perhaps insulted and would protest that you’d never be that dishonest, bear in mind that there’s more than one type of dishonesty. Read More »

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