Six Ways to Give Less and Get More
IN SHORT: If you want any relationship to remain healthy and positive, you have to keep your ’emotional bank account’ in credit.
And, in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make.[The Beatles, ‘The End’ – Abbey Road]
(1199 words – approx 7-10 mins to read)
Just imagine that – being able to give less to others and yet get more back from them in return! Read More »
IN SHORT: Emotions are real life-signs and they let you know you’re still alive and journeying. What you do with them is up to you..!
“Emotions are the wind and waves.
Unleash them and destruction follows.
Ride them, and you can conquer the world.”[Anon.]
(~1315 words – approx 7-11 mins to read)
Before you read any further, I’d like to ask you to do something. I’d really like you to remember the last journey you took, no matter which mode of transport you used. Read More »
Safe in the Harbour
(1274 words – approx 7-11 mins to read)
We spoke last time about being open enough and brave enough to entertain the idea of worlds different to our own, so I thought I’d tell you a story that I wrote a while back for a client that seemed to be appropriate…
In Our Own Little World
IN SHORT: Our visits to other people’s worlds give us a chance to grown and expand our own, so why on earth wouldn’t you want to take a trip like that..?!
“Being comfortable isn’t the way to learn to expand your abilities.”
[Thomas Perry, US author]
(1180 words, approx. 7-11 mins to read)
My wonderful wife recently bought me a Kindle – an e-reader that I can carry a whole library’s worth of books around on in a device around the size of a large paperback but the thickness of a pencil.
To start with I set about finding as many freebie books as I could and, as some of you may know, many older books are now out of copyright and electronic versions are pretty easy to find. One of the many books I downloaded, which I’m sightly ashamed to say I’d never read before, was Jonathan Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels”.
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'Look up!' and other useful tips!
IN SHORT: NEED is not enough, you have to WANT it. GOALs are not enough, you need some “If… Then…”. And Look UP!
“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”
[Helen Keller, 19th/20th-century deaf-blind author & activist]
(1208 words, approx 7-12 mins to read)
December and January have, for me at least, felt very ‘stop-start’ in terms of effort and rest, rather than a more sedate ‘slow down, speed up’ progress, hence the later-than usual timing of this ‘slice’.
What I thought I’d share with you, instead of one central theme, are three related pointers: Read More »
IN SHORT: What is it that gets you up and out of bed, active and focused, every day? Duty? Work? Paying the bills? Guilt? Habit? … Or do you have a real PURPOSE to your life that can’t be diminished and instead seems more compelling as you live it out?
“I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.”
[Og Mandino, 20th-century American writer & psychologist]“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”
[Satchel Paige, 20th-century American baseball player
& the 1st from the ‘Negro League’ to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame]
I want to introduce you to someone who’s been an inspiration to me at various points in my life. That’s not to say I agree with everything he does or says – quite the opposite at times – it’s more the way he goes about doing and saying those things, and basically his attitude to life that inspires me most. Read More »