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Top 5 Mistakes Made by Presenters

Feb 9, 2012   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Articles, Food For Thought, General  //  Comments Off on Top 5 Mistakes Made by Presenters

ErrorPublic speaking of one sort or another is inevitably required of us all at some point, and for many it’s a part of their job. However, we all know that doing something frequently doesn’t automatically mean you’re excellent at it.

So, here are some of the 5 biggest mistakes I’ve spotted over the years, and how to avoid them:

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2010: the Year of Health & Wellbeing

Jan 21, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   General  //  Comments Off on 2010: the Year of Health & Wellbeing

Many of you already know that 2010 is the official ‘Year of Health and Wellbeing’ in Liverpool, with businesses, organisations and individuals taking extra steps to help their employees, contacts, customers and clients and themselves make sure they get to Christmas 2010 in better shape than they started.

And I want to do my bit too. So here’s how I’m going to start the ball rolling! Read More »

Lose weight while you sleep..!

May 28, 2009   //   by Steve Wooding   //   General  //  Comments Off on Lose weight while you sleep..!

I came across this article a while ago and thought I’d write a timely reminder of how your sleep (or lack of it) can actually affect your weight.

Researchers at Stanford and Wisconsin Universities have discovered through a series of experiments that sleep affects more than how tired we feel – it has a profound yet unconscious effect on our appetite. Read More »

How do you get it all into someone's mind..?

Mar 27, 2009   //   by Steve Wooding   //   General  //  Comments Off on How do you get it all into someone's mind..?

Odd, isn’t it, how we manage to keep some shelves and cupboards reasonably tidy and others are a total jumble?

I was speaking to a legal boffin at a local networking group last week about presenting and public speaking and came up with a metaphor for one of the powerful techniques derived from hypnosis of creating speeches that really, truly work.

It’s a bit like filling an empty cupboard with stuff. Read More »

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