“Taxi..!” – The Secrets of Powerful Communication.

Apr 13, 2012   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Events  //  Comments Off on “Taxi..!” – The Secrets of Powerful Communication.

Taxi..!Ever wondered what it is that outstanding presenters and speakers, leaders and managers, teachers and trainers, negotiators and persuaders, sales and customer care staff, all have in common? How do they get their message across clearly? How do they get people to willingly do what they’re asking? How do they engage and inspire those they’re talking to? What’s their secret? And how can I get that good?

Well, why not find out..?

What’s this workshop about?

“In a nutshell, this workshop is all about communication – something we have to do everyday as part of working and personal life. The workshop is packed with very powerful yet truly practical hints, tips, tools and techniques. I’ve drawn them from over a decade of corporate experience and then distilled them down into a unique 5-step “Taxi..!” process, all designed to help YOU become an even better communicator.

And that’s not all – as well as the workshop you’ll be sent a ‘warm-up’ introduction before the workshop to get your mind focused, and follow-up emails afterwards to help you really make the most of what you did on the day.

And I’ll reveal why it’s called “Taxi..!” too…

I look forward to working with you.”


Why should I attend this workshop?

This workshop is for you if you know you want:

  • more confidence, especially in those trickier conversations and meetings
  • excellent results every time you speak, negotiate or present
  • to be more persuasive and influential, even if you’re not yet a manager
  • to truly motivate and engage others
  • to take your fair share of control in your work and personal relationships
  • to get ahead of your competition
  • to find out if your current communication style is causing problems without you even knowing it
  • to just hone your skills and keep up with the latest tools and techniques
“Taxi..” Workshop
Thursday 10th May
Woods Squared

What will I learn?

In this workshop you’ll discover:

  • what the ‘communication iceberg’ is and and why it’s vital to excellent communication
  • the unique 5-step “Taxi..!” process which, when you follow it, will multiply your chances of success
  • the real truth about some of the widely-believed communication myths
  • what really causes misunderstandings and clashes in the first place and how to minimise them
  • how to get true commitment rather than just compliance
  • the words and phrases that focus people’s attention and trigger motivation
  • the non-verbal signals that experts use to enhance communication
  • how to create powerful unconscious connections with other people (and know when they really don’t want to connect!)
  • … and much, much more!

All this means that your new skills and awareness will step up the power and productivity of every one of your interactions with other people and help you get more of the results you know you deserve.

How will the workshop be run?

This will be a fairly intensive day with a mix of information and interaction, solo, pair and small group experiments and Q&A sessions, and a chance to look at a real communication problem that you’d like to take some action to resolve. You’ll be encouraged to take part, ask questions, take a moment to reflect personally, to work with those around you at points throughout the day, share discoveries along the way and imagine for yourself when and where you will use what you’ve learned most powerfully and effectively.

Who will be leading the workshop?

The workshop will be led by Dr. Steve Wooding. Steve’s experience is both broad and deep and he’s spent almost two decades using his skills with employers and clients in research and development, knowledge and information management and flow, organisational culture change, education at all levels, healthcare and local government, along with a private hypnosis and stress-management practice.

As well as a seasoned public speaker and lecturer, experienced manager and leader, he’s a licensed psychometric profiler, Master Practitioner of NLP, fully certified hypnotherapist and specialist in verbal and non-verbal communication.

How can I be really certain I will benefit from this?

The simplest way for us to give you that certainty is to share what our previous clients have told us:

“Steve delivers value within minutes of first hearing him speak. He teaches you so much you didn’t know you didn’t know. But what makes it so worthwhile is that you can start applying his learning immediately with great results.”

Ian Denny, Director, Community Business Brigde.

“The day was a big success and evaluated highly by all. Several of the participants have rolled out the material with the rest of their teams and comment regularly on how beneficial the day has been in helping to develop a more cohesive working team.”

Helen Bayley, Clinical Leadership Coordinator, Shropshire & Staffordshire NHS Trust

“I have been in direct sales since 1986 when I left the Royal Navy, and have heard many ‘motivational’ speakers. You’re a breath of fresh air. Truly, it was inspiring and I don’t say that lightly.”

Andy Bignell, Sales Manager, Northern Telecomms Ltd.

“A superb day. Exceeded my expectations. A very clear and practical presentation of some complex theory. I used Steve’s techniques immediately after the training day in an interview, and was able to form an objective opinion of the candidate faster, and I’m sure more accurately, than I’ve ever done before.”

Stuart Kellner, Managing Director, Dufton-Kellner Ltd.

How do I book to attend the workshop?

Click the ‘Buy Now’ button below and book your place now!

“Taxi..!” – The Secrets of Powerful Communication

Thursday 10th May, 9:30am – 4:00pm
Venue: Woods Squared Limited, 49 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5AR

(click here for a map)

Just £147.50 (all inc.)

Tea & Coffee provided throughout the day – you’ll need to sort your own lunch.

The venue is just a short walk across the square from Hamilton Square station, or if you’re coming by car, there’s all day parking for ~£4.

If you’d rather arrange another means of payment, call us on 0845 111 0360 or 07730 6515648 TODAY

If you’re still not completely certain then call us or email us anyway and we can answer every question you’ve got until you are sure.

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