The Potential of Forty-Five Euros
This morning I’m sitting in Starbucks finishing off a few articles that I’ve so far not managed to finish. However, I remembered that I had no cash in my wallet when I left home this morning…One of the errands I needed to tick off today was posting a mobile phone back to Orange (long story…) and as I got my wallet out to use a debit card to pay for the postage, I noticed in the corner of my wallet a few folded Euro notes, probably from our last overseas holiday or one of my business trips to Ireland. They’d been there unnoticed and unused for over a year!
That currency is pretty much useless in most UK stores, bar a few who’ll accept larger purchases in € from tourists etc.
£, however, ARE useful in the UK. But I had €…
Once I’d posted the phone, I went to the currency counter just a few feet away in the same post office and unfolded the notes. There were more than I thought – €45 in total… checking the exchange rate and commission, I realised I potentially had around £35 sitting there in my wallet.
I say potentially as that’s all those € were – POTENTIAL.
I needed to take action to turn them, to convert that potential, into something useful.
So at the currency counter I did exactly that, and a few moment later I had £35 in crisp notes in my wallet instead. I walked a block or two and promptly spent a few £ on the large Chai Tea Latte than I’m now sipping as I type…
Since I’m the thoughtful type I wondered what other stuff I’ve been carrying around with me, within me, unnoticed, untapped, perhaps for years, that it might only take a few simple decisions and focused action to turn into something useful..?
What about you..?