Stress & Wellbeing

May 27, 2012   //   by admin   //   What We Do  //  No Comments

We offer practical work-related advice, training and solutions around wellbeing and stress, as well as personal client sessions focused on your individual needs.Stress is now the number on reason for both short and long-term absence from work, having overtaken colds and flu around a decade ago. It’s costing UK businesses over £3billion a year in lost productivity and profits, not to mention the poorer performance of stressed employees and managers, along with the increased risk of accidents and lost engagement and morale.

With proper training and awareness, we can help in many useful ways:

  • managers can spot the signs of stress before they become an issue and take action
  • everyone will understand what stress really is and the difference between useful and destructive stress
  • employees can understand and manage their own stress much more effectively
  • opportunities can be created for wellbeing-related activities in the workplace that are proven to work by reducing absenteeism, keeping productivity high and engagement and morale up
  • managers can avoid unfounded accusations of stress in the workplace

When we train with our “Beating Stress, Creating Calm” approach, we cover:

  • the three key factors that determine whether someone will work well within their comfort zone, when it’s OK to stretch them, and when they will move from ‘stretched’ to ‘stressed’
  • what true stress is (e.g. compared to tired, working hard, worried, confused etc.) and the real effects it has on the body and mind
  • the six responses to work-related stresses and how to spot them coming, and even use them positively before they create problems
  • the best ways to manage unavoidable stresses effectively and prevent burn-out

When  you want to know more, use our contact page to get in touch, email or call 0845 111 0360 now.

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