2010: the Year of Health & Wellbeing

Jan 21, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   General  //  1 Comment

Many of you already know that 2010 is the official ‘Year of Health and Wellbeing’ in Liverpool, with businesses, organisations and individuals taking extra steps to help their employees, contacts, customers and clients and themselves make sure they get to Christmas 2010 in better shape than they started.

And I want to do my bit too. So here’s how I’m going to start the ball rolling!

I’m looking for city centre businesses and other organisations that value their staff and want to help local charities too.

As a local Liverpool hypnotist and personal change specialist, I’m making a tempting offer to city centre workers and I need a small favour to make it work.

I plan to run a series of ‘A Taste of Hypnosis’ sessions to introduce as many people as possible to the mental, emotional and physical ways in which hypnosis can help us all lead a healthier, less stressed and more balanced life at work and at play.

To do this I need training, meeting or conference rooms around the city centre that can seat 20 or more people. If you have one of those and are willing to donate it for an hour at lunchtime or after work, in return you’ll get the following:

  • The seats at the event will be charged a small fee, usually £5 or so – you, the donator of the venue, choose which charity gets this moneyI will be not making any profit from this! If your business or organisation has a ‘charity of the year’ or has links with a charity, they get all the fees from the event.
  • However, as the donator of the venue, you will get up to half the available seats FREE of charge for your own employees. You can, if you want, charge a nominal fee for these seats too, to add to the charity donation you’ll be building.
  • You’ll also get publicity on all the promotional material for the event, including my articles and emails, website, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter feeds.

All I ask is that you use your internal and external contacts to publicise the event too so that you, your organisation and your chosen charity benefit as much as possible from this offer by filling your venue, and we’d like to collect feedback and contact details from everyone who attends so we can tailor future taster sessions, and our corporate and personal workshops and seminars, to best meet everyone’s needs.

If you’d like to do your bit for the year of Health and Wellbeing, get in touch – email me directly at steve@iceandlemon.com use the contact page on this website, or link with me via Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, or Skype Me and we’ll take the next step to making Liverpool the most mentally and emotionally balanced city in the UK!


This article is for guidance and information only and does not in any way imply or form part of a contractual agreement with Steve Wooding or ice&lemon ltd. whether you choose to donate a venue or express an interest in the ‘Taste of Hypnosis’ sessions. Please contact Steve directly via the above channels and the exact details can be discussed further.

1 Comment

  • Hi Steve

    Cool blog by the way – will share with clients on my travels.


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