Communicating with a BANG!

Oct 25, 2012   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Articles, Food For Thought  //  Comments Off on Communicating with a BANG!


I was at a networking morning recently and spoke to quite a few people. As is often the case, I was offered some marketing materials from a couple of the people there.

One was a nicely produced folder with some written information interspersed between artful photos.

The other was a stick of dynamite. Well, not an actual stick as you can see from the photo.

Guess which one I actually took, and then had a great conversation with Robert, the guy who gave it to me? And I’ve read it too, though I’ve not popped the party popper that was concealed inside. Yet..!

The not-a-stick-of-explosive is a fantastic piece of marketing communication, but also embodies four of the most important principles of powerful communication:

  1. Make it PULL, not push.
  2. Keep it simple.
  3. Engage as many senses as you can.
  4. Leave them wanting more. 

The company is ADM Creative. I have no other reason to mention them other than their true creativity here, and the fact that I know I’ll remember the conversation and his name and company for a lot longer than most other networking conversations!

If you want to know more about how these principles work and how to tweak your communication, no matter what form it takes, get in touch now.

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