The Final Act
(831 words, approx 5-8 mins to read)
(This article appeared in issue 13 of ‘Liverpool Lifestyle’ magazine from Aintree Publishing – the version here is a slightly different draft to the magazine article, which can be viewed at
I’d like to talk about New Year’s Resolutions.
Yes, I know we’re not even into autumn properly yet and Christmas is still months away, but bear with me and I’ll explain myself in what follows.
You see, I think we have it all wrong when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Read More »
Article in Liverpool Lifestyle magazine
Steve has an article on New Year’s resolutions (yes, perhaps an odd time of year to write about them, so read the article and find out why..!) published in the latest issue of Liverpool Lifestyle magazine. You can read it here:
The Power of Focus
“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.”
[Anthony Robbins, US self-help expert, author and adviser to leaders]
(1066 words, approx 6-8 mins to read)
In our last ‘slice’ we talked about AWAY-FROM and TOWARDS types of motivation, and I made the assertion that the only way to achieve long-lasting, fulfilling and satisfying results was to make sure that your motivation was mostly, if not fully, of the TOWARDS variety.
If you still haven’t quite got why, even after a quick reminder by re-reading the last slice if you need to, imagine trying to drive using only your rear-view mirrors, or trying to run somewhere with your head turned to look behind you all the time. Read More »
Relaxation Affects Your Genes..!
Just found this article about a research study from Harvard that shows how relaxation techniques such as meditation can affect your body at a genetic level, enhancing your ability to stay well, fight disease, handle stress and even in some cases fight cancer and improve fertility.
Away-From & Towards
“Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don’t want.”
[Hannah Whitall Smith, 19th/20th century Quaker author and activist in the Women’s Suffrage movement]
[I wrote about this general concept a good few years back now and touch on it every so often, but after the last two ‘slices’ on Desire here and here, it fits really nicely and will serve as a timely reminder.
What follows is, I realise, an over-simplification, but I’ll go ahead with it anyway because it’s often only through considering things simply that we uncover the most useful truths within…]
(1278 words – approx 6-8 mins to read)
What pops into your mind as you roll those two phrases around in your head:
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Thinking vs. Doing
Just a quick post – I came across this old Italian proverb a few days ago – something to ponder about the need to follow your thinking with doing:
“A hundred wagon-loads of thoughts will not pay a single ounce of debt.”