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Magazine Interview – "The Virtue of Envy"

May 7, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Articles, In The Press  //  Comments Off on Magazine Interview – "The Virtue of Envy"

I’ve been interviewed and published in a short piece on envy and regret for “The House of Good Fortune” magazine – not sure about the possible psychic connotations of the publication title though..!

You can read it at and the article is on page 30.

"A Taste of Hypnosis" – next event

Apr 27, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Articles, Events  //  Comments Off on "A Taste of Hypnosis" – next event

Reserve space in your diaries for 12:30 – 1:30pm on Tuesday 11th May – we have the second of our “Taste of Hypnosis” events!

This time we’re being hosted by Merseyside Play Action Council at their offices in Bridport Street, Liverpool (click here for a map). It’s within a hundred yards or so of Lime Street station, 1/2-mile from Queen’s Square and there’s parking nearby too.

All we’re asking is a £5 donation to our hosts, in return for what I’ve promised everyone who attends in our flyer here – A Taste of Hypnosis – MPAC.

To book your place, you can either email, call or text on 07730 651618 or register on Facebook here if you’re definitely coming.


Apr 26, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  Comments Off on Cris-i-tunity!

IN SHORT: Hiding behind every problem and issue we face in life is an opportunity for you to become something more than you were before. You can seek it, find it, take it and find yourself growing, or you can ignore it, miss it, throw it away and instead find your life shrinking…

“A man has no more character than he can command in a crisis.”
[Ralph W. Sockman, 19th/20th century theologian and church leader]

“A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind.”
[Chinese proverb]

[~825 words: approx 5-8 mins to read]

It’s amazing how much chaos one big cloud of dust can cause, isn’t it!

Read More »

Inspiration comes at odd times…!

Mar 22, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Articles, Food For Thought  //  Comments Off on Inspiration comes at odd times…!

I was out running on Saturday, feeling quite smug with myself at about the 6 mile point of a 9 mile route, when I spotted an old man up ahead. I’m assuming he was old – he appeared to be in his late 70s at a guess – and very frail as he was walking with one of those zimmer frames with wheels on, Read More »

Good Grief

Mar 19, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   A Slice of Lemon, Articles  //  Comments Off on Good Grief

IN SHORT: Losses, great and small, bring grief that if denied will lock us into limbo between past and future; we need to allow ourselves to accept the loss and grieve before we can move on to whatever life has in store next.

“You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.”

[Jan Glidewell]

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief… and unspeakable love.”

[Washington Irving, 18/19th century American writer & author]

(1069 words: approx. 6-10 mins to read)

Roughly a year ago a good friend of ours told us Read More »

A Taste of Hypnosis – Liverpool Event

Mar 15, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Events  //  Comments Off on A Taste of Hypnosis – Liverpool Event
Liverpool Event Flyer

Liverpool Event Flyer

It’s happening..!

I’ve teamed up with Regus Liverpool to put on a ‘Taste of Hypnosis’ event in support of Marie Curie Cancer Care.

It’s on Wednesday April 14th, from 12:30 – 1:30pm – a lunchtime, so you needn’t take time away from work.

We’re holding it at the Regus Liverpool Centre, Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3PF.

In return for some fantastic insights into how your mind works and some simple demonstrations of how hypnosis can help you personally and professionally, all we’re asking is that you bring a £5 donation to Marie Curie Cancer Care with you.

We’ve had enquiries about this event even before we announced the details, so we know it’s going to be popular. However, there are only 20 places to be had which means you MUST pre-book, either by emailing or calling 07730 651648 immediately!

Click here for a flyer and more information.

Remember – places are limited so book now.

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