The Forty Year-Old Pine Cone.
IN SHORT: How much longer are you going to chose to wait to build the life that you were intended for?
“The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channelled toward some great good.”
(Brian Tracy, Canada-born self-development author and traveller)
(~816 words, approx. 5-8 mins to read)
On the chimney breast in the house I grew up in were a few mementos of events past. One of them was a short section of a branch with three large pine cones on it. Read More »
The 7% Myth
IN SHORT: What are your words worth? 7%? Or a whole lot more..?
“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.”
(Napoleon Hill, 19/20th-century US author, journalist & lecturer)
[999 words, approx. 4-9 mins to read]
In the world of personal development and training there are many ‘sacred cows’ – models, rules and other wisdom that gets handed down from trainer to trainee and thus to their colleagues, teams and departments – that have been passed from generation to generation so many times that their origins and original purposes have been glossed over, ignored, forgotten or simply lost in the mists of time. Read More »
Top 5 Mistakes Made by Presenters
Public speaking of one sort or another is inevitably required of us all at some point, and for many it’s a part of their job. However, we all know that doing something frequently doesn’t automatically mean you’re excellent at it.
So, here are some of the 5 biggest mistakes I’ve spotted over the years, and how to avoid them:
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From Worrier to Warrior!
IN SHORT: Worriers dwell on future failure, whilst warriors get busy now to build future success.
“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”
[Arthur Somers Roche, 19/20th-century US author]“Worry is like a rocking chair – it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.”
[Anon]“The warrior’s approach is to say ‘Yes’ to life.”
[Joseph Campbell, 20th-century US author, teacher & philosopher]
(1041 words, approx 6-9 mins to read.)
Anxiety is one of those things we all experience from time to time – it’s natural as it’s one of the methods our unconscious or intuitive self uses to get us to pay attention to the future. However, it’s supposed to be a very temporary condition that passes when we decide what to do and then take action.
Get Active..!
IN SHORT: Take an active role in living your life – it’s the only way it can be the way you want it to be!
“Who finds hidden treasure?
Some of those who seek it,
And none of those who don’t.”
[Anon]“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.”
[Michael Gerber, US author]
[1064 words, estimated reading time 6-9 mins]
Viva la Evolution (Part 2) – New Year Evolution..!
IN SHORT: Instead of trying to make revolutionary resolutions for the coming year, make evolutionary resolutions – New Year Evolutions..!
(~870 words, approx 5-7 mins to read)
Where were we…? Oh yes, EVOLUTION, REVOLUTION…
Oh, before we go any further, I want to introduce you to ‘gloop’..! Read More »