Pebbles (podcast)

Jan 7, 2010   //   by Steve Wooding   //   Audio, Podcast  //  Comments Off on Pebbles (podcast)

This isn’t that new a tale – I first used it as part of a series of ‘Creating Calm’ stress-management sessions a few years back.

As always with metaphorical tales, it’s about whatever you take from it… enjoy!


Many of the stories and other audio files on this website are designed to be mildly hypnotic or engage your unconscious mind – you should NOT listen to them whilst driving, operating machinery or doing anything else that requires your undivided attention.

All content on this website is © Steve Wooding. You are free to download a copy for your own use. If you wish to let other people listen please point them to this website to obtain their own copy. Any other use, distribution or copying is prohibited by law and may result in prosecution.

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